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8.5 Analytically
In assessing the economic impairment in operating expenses (total approximate)
according to Efstathiou et al. [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 11 ], an estimation of doses of antibiotics per
day and per patient was carried out, following the procedure per dose, per patient,
per day. The estimation of the absolute number of ddp was made in two phases,
before and after antimicrobial copper implementation in the Intensive Care Unit, as
well as in two time periods, one pilot study of 3 months and an overall study of
9 months. The recording of such antibiotics are shown in Table 8.8 . The patients
who took part in the study had similar disease entities as well as similar input and
outcome parameters' gravity in the Unit, which were statistically not significant
(see Table 8.9 ).
The above relationship enables us to approach the impairment of daily doses in
patients, initially in an absolute number. As mentioned in Efstathiou et al. [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 9 ,
11 ] research, as an example, patients with VAPs (in patients' etiology and severity
no statistically significant difference in SAPS and APACHE II), before Unit's
copper implementation, consumed 281 total doses of the wide group of quinolones
while in the same period of time, with a similar clinical frequency of disease, only
66 (weighted average reduction 76 %), while the group of carbapenems presented
weighted average reduction of 19.4 %. There were groups that increased the use of
glycopeptides, for instance, by 38 % totally and cumulatively, but the decrease in
consumption level was 27 % for the initial period and more than 31 % for the
9-month study.
Table 8.8 Groups of
antimicrobial agents
Groups of antimicrobial agents
1. Carbapenemes
2. Glycopeptides
3. Antifungals
4. Penicillines
5. Quinilones
6. Imidazole
7. Cephalosponnes
8. Aminoglycosides
9. Suifonamides
10. antiTBC
11. Anti b-lactamaces
Table 8.9 Difference in consumption of antimicrobial drugs (dose) per patient per day (3 month
analysis - 9 month analysis)
Consumption of antimicrobial drugs (dose)
per patient per day ( 3 month analysis )
Consumption of antimicrobial drugs (dose)
per patient per day ( 9 month analysis )
0.001 (99 %)
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