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(CHOC), Chapman agar, SSA agar ). Moreover, special swabs were used for
isolating viruses (by molecular techniques - PCR).
After the inoculation, incubation followed at 38 C for 24-48 h and respectively,
under anaerobic conditions. A measuring of the growth (CFU/ml) was followed and
identified with the Api system Biomereaux.
In the isolated stems, antibiograms were made, to assess the susceptibility
to antibiotics. From the assessment of the susceptibility of microorganisms to
antibiotics, we were able to identify the phenotypic similarity. All samples were
examined by molecular techniques for virus identification.
The number of microorganisms isolated before Cu+ implementation from the
respective surfaces was multiple to the number of microorganisms isolated after.
Cultures' results showed the following:
During Phase I (before Cu + implementation) in 6 out of 15 samples taken,
pathogens were isolated in concentration (CFU/ml):
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ( two points ) (
100.000 CFU/ml)
Acinetobacter baumannii, (
100.000 CFU/ml)
Staphylococcus haemolyticus, (
100.000 CFU/ml)
Staphylococcus capitis, (
50.000 CFU/ml)
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. (
50.000 CFU/ml)
During Phase II (after Cu + implementation) in only 1 out of 15 samples taken, a
pathogen was isolated in low concentration. This was:
Staphylococcus Epidermidis. (<20.000 CFU )
It is clearly obvious that the reduction of microbial flora on selected surfaces/
objects was extremely significant (isolated in only 1 of the 15 samples Staphy-
lococcus Epidermidis
20.000 CFU) (Table 8.4 ).
With the research underway, ICU epidemiological parameters were counted
These parameters were age, gender, patients' severity admitting to the ICU
scored by APACHE II ( Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation ), and
SAPS II ( Simplified Acute Physiology Score ), the main cause for admitting in the
ICU, time of hospitalization and patients' outcome.
The preliminary pilot results were recorded and analyzed initially for 3 months
period between December 2010 to March 2011, (time period A) and between
January 2012 to September 2012 (time period B).
Time period A is specified as the period that the specific ICU operated without
having antimicrobial copper surfaces/objects, while maintaining the regular guide-
lines treatments and therapies of the patients based on international standards
(generally characterized as period before).
Time period B is specified as the period that the specific ICU operated after the
implementation or replacement of antimicrobial copper to chosen surfaces/objects,
while maintaining the regular guidelines treatments and therapies of the patients
based on international standards (generally characterized as period after).
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