Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
5.5.5 S UMMARY
This section dealt with the applications adopted for fiscal 1999 and the results of
the High Performance Industrial Furnace Field Test Demonstration Project in fiscal
1998 in the form of intermediate results. Specifically, the results mainly classified
the cases and typical applications with respect to their performance, which are based
on the data obtained from the 58 joint research cases in fiscal 1998.
It was estimated, on the basis of the research conducted in 1998, that more than
30,000 furnaces throughout Japan could be modified into high performance industrial
furnaces. The number of furnaces this field test project will be able to cover over
the 3-year project period will account for 0.5% (about 160 cases) of the total number.
This percentage is very small; however, the field test project will certainly serve as
crucial information for the dissemination of this technology. Therefore, from now
on, the authors plan to emphasize the amalgamation of information aimed at pro-
moting the application of high performance industrial furnaces.
1. S. Matsunaga, Theory and Application of Heat Transfer in Furnace , Tokyo Techno
Center, Tokyo, 1979.
2. The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), Data Book: Heat Transfer , 4th
ed., JSME, 1986.
3. NEDO ed., Yearly Reports of High Performance Industrial Furnaces Development
Project (1998, 1999, 2000) , Tokyo, Japan. Available at URL: http://www.tech.
H. Murakami, T. Saito, J. Hayashi, and A. Hida, Proc. IJPGC Conf. FACT , 23,
239-244, 1999.
J. W. Deardorff, J. Fluid Mech. , 42(2):453-480, 1971.
H. Taniguchi et al., Proc. Int. Heat Transfer Conf. , 1986, pp. 757-762.
M. Uede, K. Tanaka, M. Imada, and K. Murakami, Proc. ASME IJPGC Conf. 2000,
paper no. 15082.
T. Ishii, C. Zhang, and S. Sugiyama, Proc. IJPGC Conf., Vol. 5, ASME EC, Denver,
CO, Nov. 1997, pp. 267-278.
M. Morita and T. Tanigawa, Chem. Eng. Articles , 26:227-235, 2000.
A. Hida, H. Nozaki, and T. Morita, Nippon Steel Corp. Tech. J. , 363:49-54, 1997.
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