Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
High Velocity Gun
125 mm
27.3 m m
175 mm
280 mm
385 mm
Low Velocity Gun
FIGURE 2.99 Burner block with central air channel and the three coal gun configuration.
The geometric data of the two guns are shown in Figure 2.99 . Fuel Properties (Natural Gas/Coal)
Natural gas — The NG used in the precombustor is supplied by CORUS. The NG
composition and properties are listed in Table 2.8 .
Coal — Guasare coal has been selected for the experiments. This coal is clas-
sified as a “high volatile bituminous A coal” by ASTM. Its properties are reported
in Table 2.9 . The coal was milled to give a particle size distribution of 80% < 90
µm. This coal has been chosen for the experiments because it has a high volatile
and low ash content.
Coal plant — The pulverized coal is prepared in the IFRF coal plant. Figure
2.100 s hows a sketch of the coal-feeding system used during the HTAC99 trial. The
pulverized coal is fed through a compressed air line into the furnace. The distributor
feeds the coal mass flow in the two coal guns. The pressure is monitored in the coal
lines to assure the same coal mass flow in the two guns. Experimental Program
The experiments consisted of detailed in-flame measurements and input/output mea-
surements. Detailed in-flame measurements were taken for the baseline flame with the
coal gun positioned at 280 mm from the centerline. In-flame measurements include
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