Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
There are a number of very useful DMVs in SQL Server 2005 that show you information about the I/Os
being generated by SQL Server.
The four I/O-related DMVs are:
Only two of these are of any interest here, and these are discussed below.
This DMV shows any pending I/O requests. This is actually a view, so you can select directly from it
using the following T-SQL:
select * from sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests
This will give you a result set that looks similar to the output in Table 12-1, but will reflect any
outstanding I/O requests on your system at the time it was run.
However if you have no pending I/O requests, you get nothing.
Table 12-1 is a very long table that won't fit on the printed page. It has been broken into three segments
for easier viewing.
This DMV shows you the cumulative I/O counters for each file configured in SQL Server and is the
replacement of the SQL Server 2000 function fn_virtual_file_stats . This DMV is a function rather
than a view, so it needs to be given arguments for the database id and file. These values can be null, but
don't default to null, so you have to use the following T-SQL to get all the file stats:
Select * from sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats (null,null)
The parameters for this function are the database id and the file id.
Table 12-2 shows an example of the first few lines of the result set when we ran this on one of our
SQL Servers.
Table 12-2 is a very long table that won't fit on the printed page. It has been broken into three segments
for easier viewing.
What's more useful is to target the function at either a specific database, or preferably a specific file.
To do that you can use something like the following T-SQL.
First, find out what DBs you have available:
Select * from sys.databases
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