Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 8-5: Row Layout Details
Handle Size
Status Bits A
StatusA 1 byte
Internal. Ignore.
Status Bits B
StatusB 1 byte
Internal. Ignore.
Fixed-length size
2 bytes
Total storage occupied by all the
fixed-length columns.
Fixed-length data
FS - 4
All the fixed-length data.
Number of columns NC
2 bytes
Number of columns in the table.
NULL bitmap
Ceiling (NC / 8)
1 byte for each column. A 1 indicates that
the column is NULL.
Number of
2 bytes
Indicates the number of variable length
columns in the table.
Variable column
offset array
2 * VC
Each variable-length column contains an
offset value. This is a 2-byte entry which
indicates the position in the data row
where the column ends.
Variable-length data VD
All the variable-length column data.
Ceiling (NC /
The row offset array indicates the logical order of rows on a page. For tables that have a clustered index,
the logical order is dictated by the clustered key. Note that SQL Server will not physically store the rows
on the page in the order of the key. However, the first slot in the offset array will refer to the first row
in the key order, the second slot will refer to the second row, and so on. For tables that don't have a
clustered index, the logical order is the order in which the rows are inserted.
You may have heard or read the term extent pages. This terminology is somewhat confusing. Extent
pages aren't some special type of data page. Instead, they're simply eight logically contiguous data
pages. When SQL Server allocates storage to a table, it doesn't allocate just one page. Instead, it allocates
eight. Likewise, when SQL Server reads a data page it doesn't read just one, it reads eight. There are two
types of extents:
Mixed extents: These are shared by up to eight tables.
Uniform extents: These are owned by a single table.
A new table or index is allocated pages from mixed extents. However, when the table grows to require
eight pages for itself, it shifts to use uniform extents. Also, once a table begins using uniform extents it
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