Information Technology Reference
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Traffic conforms to, exceeds (uses excess burst), or violates (is over and above the excess burst) the contract. Actions can be
specified for traffic that conforms, exceeds, or violates the contract.
Two-rate, three-color policer (RFC 2698): Two token buckets are used, with tokens periodically added to both buckets.
Traffic conforms to the contract, exceeds the contract but still conforms to a second rate, or violates the contract.
The following example contains a sample single-rate, three-color policer:
policy-map 1rate-3color
class class-default
police cir 32000 bc 1500 be 1500 conform-action set-dscp-transmit af31 exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af32
violate-action drop
In the example, the police cir cir bc bc be be conform-action action exceed-action action violate-action action command
configures a policer for traffic assigned to class-default, and specifies a committed information rate (CIR) of 32 Kbps, a committed
burst (Bc) of 1500 bytes, and an excess burst (Be) of 1500 bytes. Packets that conform have their DSCP field set to AF31 and are
transmitted; packets that exceed have their DSCP field set to AF32 and are transmitted; and packets that violate are dropped.
Note that when configuring a single-rate three-color policer, the CIR is configured in bits per second and the Bc and Be are
configured in bytes.
The following example shows a sample configuration of a two-rate, three-color policer:
policy-map 2rate-3color
class class-default
police cir 20000 bc 10000 pir 40000 be 10000 conform-action transmit exceed-action set-dscp-transmit af33
violate-action drop
The police cir cir bc conform-burst pir pir be peak-burst conform-action action exceed-action action violate-action action
command configures a policer for traffic in class-default, and specifies a CIR of 20 Kbps, a Bc of 10,000 bytes, a peak information
rate (PIR) of 40 Kbps, and a Be of 10,000 bytes. Packets that conform have their DSCP field set to AF31 and are transmitted; packets
that exceed have their DSCP field set to AF32 and are transmitted; and packets that violate are dropped.
When configuring a two-rate three-color policer, the CIR and PIR are configured in bits per second, and the Bc and Be are configured
in bytes.
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