Java Reference
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24. public void setOrganization(String newOrganization){ organization = newOrganization; }
26. public String toString(){
27. return firstName + SPACE + lastName;
28. }
29. }
The RunPattern class creates several ProjectItems and prints out their String values. Next, it creates several
Decorators , associates them with one of the Task objects by calling the setProjectItem methods, and shows
the String value of the newly decorated Task .
Example A.162
1. import;
2. public class RunPattern{
3. public static void main(String [] arguments){
4. System.out.println("Example for the Decorator pattern");
5. System.out.println();
6. System.out.println("This demonstration will show how Decorator classes can be
7. System.out.println(" to extend the basic functionality of ProjectItems. The Task
8. System.out.println(" Deliverable classes provide the basic ProjectItems, and
9. System.out.println(" functionality will be extended by adding subclasses of the");
10. System.out.println(" abstract class ProjectDecorator.");
11. System.out.println();
12. System.out.println("Note that the toString method has been overridden for all
13 System.out.println(" to more effectively show how Decorators are
associated with their");
14. System.out.println(" ProjectItems.");
15. System.out.println();
17. System.out.println("Creating ProjectItems.");
18. Contact contact1 = new ContactImpl("Simone", "Roberto", "Head Researcher and Chief
Archivist", "Institute for Advanced (Java) Studies");
19. Task task1 = new Task("Perform months of diligent research", contact1, 20.0);
20. Task task2 = new Task("Obtain grant from World Java Foundation", contact1, 40.0);
21. Deliverable deliverable1 = new Deliverable("Java History", "Comprehensive history
of the design of all Java APIs", contact1);
22. System.out.println("ProjectItem objects created. Results:");
23. System.out.println(task1);
24. System.out.println(task2);
25. System.out.println(deliverable1);
26. System.out.println();
28. System.out.println("Creating decorators");
29. ProjectDecorator decorator1 = new SupportedProjectItem(new File(" JavaHistory.txt"));
30. ProjectDecorator decorator2 = new DependentProjectItem(task2);
31. System.out.println("Decorators created. Adding decorators to the first task");
32. decorator1.setProjectItem(task1);
33. decorator2.setProjectItem(decorator1);
34. System.out.println();
35. System.out.println("Decorators added. Results");
36. System.out.println(decorator2);
38. System.out.println("");
39. }
40. }
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