Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Use: J2SE (since JDK 1.1)
The reflection API allows you to discover information about classes and objects at runtime. This capability is
called introspection, and is useful when you want to dynamically include new classes in your programs while they
are running. Using reflection, you can load a class dynamically using only its name.
Although most of the API is in java.lang.reflect , you should also regard java.lang.Class as part of this
API . The class Class acts as a gateway to the reflection functionalities. The reflection API defines several
classes that encapsulate the different types of information, classes like Method , Field , Constructor , and
Modifier . These classes are final and, except for the Modifier , only the JVM can create instances of these types.
Thanks to this API, you can dynamically use instances of previously unknown origin; for instance, when the class of an object is
unknown at the time of devel opment. You can invoke methods, call constructors, modify fields, create new arrays, and
access and modify their elements.
Example 6.3 Using instances of unknown origin
Class class = Class.forName(" some class name ");
Object o = class.newInstance();
The code demonstrates how you can create an object from only having the name of the class. The method
forName takes a String as argument and tries to locate a class file matching that name and loads that class in the
class loader. The method returns an instance of Class which describes the class. When newInstance is called on
the Class object it creates an instance using the constructor with no arguments. The String could be read from a
file, property or other source.
When you receive an object from somewhere and you want to find out the specific type of the instance, use code
similar to the following code. The method getClass returns the Class instance describing the class of the object.
The method getName returns the name of the Class.
It can be useful somet imes during debugging, when you don't know the type of a received object:
Object unknownTypeObject = //received somehow
An addition to the Reflection API was made when J2SE v1.3 was released. As of 1.3, you can use the dynamic
proxy class. The class is created at runtime and implements a number of interfaces specified at runtime. The
Proxy class, which is responsible for creating this class, also acts as the superclass to every proxy.
The method to create an instance of the dynamic proxy takes three arguments: a ClassLoader , an array of
interfaces, and an InvocationHandler . The proxy instance created delegates all method calls to the
InvocationHandler , which is responsible for carrying them out. To keep the invocation as generic as possible,
the InvocationHandler implements a single method, invoke .
The Reflection API provides many advanced features, many of which the average developer will never use. The
flexibility that reflection offers through these advanced features comes at a price, which is performance.
According to Effective Java [Bloch01], interfaces should be preferred to reflection.
However, this doesn't mean that reflection is obsolete. Certain applications can receive great benefits from
reflection, particularly those based on JavaBeans, object inspectors, interpreters, and services like object
serialization, which need to get information on an object at runtime.
Pattern Use
Factory Method (see page 21): The Factory Method pattern is used to create instances without having to call a
constructor directly. It also enables you to gain the option of returning different types instead of just the class of
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