Biology Reference
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FIGURE 25.1 The immune system is a complex diffuse system containing many cell types that requires the application of multiple, comple-
mentary approaches. (A) The cell lineage of hematopoiesis. All immune cells are derived from a single precursor but differentiate through a series of
developmental and signaling events to many different cell types, each with its own state and functionality. Shown are only the basic cell types, yet many
more cell-type subsets exist, and more are increasingly being discovered. (B) Systems immunology aims to 'put the pieces together' such that we can
develop a true understanding of how immunity functions, why has it developed as it is, and what the forces are that shape it. We delineate in the discussion
three approaches researchers are using to probe the immune system. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, yet all are needed for a systems-view of
immunology to emerge. As human health is highly dependent on the immune system, a direct benefit of improved systems-level understanding of
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