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way downstream to the deployment of morphogenesis
cassettes and differentiation gene batteries, except for anal-
yses of transcriptional control for various subsets of differ-
entiation genes. In general, control of downstream gene
expression remains unlinked to prior developmental speci-
fication functions. The way is open, however, to extend
GRNs downstream so that they encompass the linkages
between terminal local regulatory states and the effector
genes that produce the observed morphogenetic and differ-
entiation outcomes. This would be like traversing the vertical
red arrows upwards in given domains of the cartoon of
Figure 11.3 . This is an enormous challenge, but the reward
will be a true explanation of developmental processes that
extends all the way from the genome, to the succession of
regulatory states, to the control systems that animate differ-
ential effector gene expression.
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We are pleased to acknowledge support from NIH Grant HD037105,
which provided support for ISP. We also acknowledge the support of
the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust.
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