Database Reference
In-Depth Information
You also can use the OCLUMON command-line tool to query the CHM repository to display node-specific metrics
for a specified time period. You also can print the durations and the states for a resource on a node during a specified
time period. The states can be based on predefined thresholds for each resource metric and are denoted as red,
orange, yellow, and green, in decreasing order of criticality. OCLUMON command syntax is as follows:
$oclumon dumpnodeview [[-allnodes] | [-n node1 node2] [-last "duration"] |
[-s "time_stamp" -e "time_stamp"] [-v] [-warning]] [-h]
-s indicates the start timestamp and -e indicates the end timestamp
For example, we can run the command like this to write the report into a text file:
$GRID_HOME/bin/oclumon dumpnodeview -allnodes -v -s "2013-03-0206:20:00" -e "2013-03-0206:30:00">
A segment of /home/grid/chm.txt looks like this:
$less /home/grid/chm.txt
Node: knewracn1 Clock: '13-03-02 06.20.04' SerialNo:178224
#pcpus: 1 #vcpus: 2 cpuht: Y chipname: Intel(R) cpu: 7.97 cpuq: 2 physmemfree: 441396 physmemtotal:
5019920 mcache: 2405048 swapfree: 11625764 swaptotal: 12583912 hugepagetotal: 0 hugepagefree: 0
hugepagesize: 2048 ior: 93 iow: 242 ios: 39 swpin: 0 swpout: 0 pgin: 90 pgout: 180 netr: 179.471
netw: 124.380 procs: 305 rtprocs: 16 #fds: 26144 #sysfdlimit: 6815744 #disks: 5 #nics: 4 nicErrors: 0
topcpu: 'gipcd.bin(4205) 5.79' topprivmem: 'ovmd(719) 214072' topshm: 'ora_ppa7_knewdb(27372)
841520' topfd: 'ovmd(719) 1023' topthread: 'crsd.bin(4415) 48'
cpu0: sys-4.94 user-3.10 nice-0.0 usage-8.5 iowait-10.93
cpu1: sys-5.14 user-2.74 nice-0.0 usage-7.88 iowait-4.68
name: 'ora_smco_knewdb' pid: 27360 #procfdlimit: 65536 cpuusage: 0.00 privmem: 2092 shm: 17836 #fd:
26 #threads: 1 priority: 20 nice: 0 state: S
name: 'ora_gtx0_knewdb' pid: 27366 #procfdlimit: 65536 cpuusage: 0.00 privmem: 2028 shm: 17088 #fd:
26 #threads: 1 priority: 20 nice: 0 state: S
name: 'ora_rcbg_knewdb' pid: 27368 #procfdlimit: 65536 cpuusage: 0.00 privmem: ......
RAC Database Hang Analysis
In this section, we will explore the conceptual basis for invoking and interpreting a hang analysis dump to diagnose
a potential RAC database hung/slow/blocking situation. When a database either is running unacceptably slow, is
hung due to an internal system developed interdependence deadlock or a latch causing database hung/slowness,
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