Database Reference
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To reduce the private network traffic, the repository database (MGMTDB) and the cluster logger service process
( osysmon ) can be located to run on the same node as shown here:
$ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep pmon | grep MGMTDB
grid 31832 1 0 Feb20 ? 00:04:06 mdb_pmon_-MGMTDB
$ ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep 'osysmon'
root 2434 1 1 Feb 20 ? 00:04:49 /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/bin/osysmond.bin
This repository database runs under the owner of the Grid Infrastructure, which is the “grid” user in this example.
The database files of the CHM repository database are located in the same diskgroup as the OCR and VD. In order to
store the Grid Infrastructure repository, the size requirement of this diskgroup has been increased from the size for
the OCR and VD. The actual size and the retention policy can be managed with the oclumon tool. The oclumon tool
provides a command interface to query the CHM repository and perform various administrative tasks of the CHM
repository. The actual size and the retention policy can be managed with the oclumon tool.
For example, we can get the repository information such as size, repository path, the node for the cluster logger
service, and all the nodes that the statistics are collected from using a command like this:
$ oclumon manage -get repsize reppath alllogger -details
CHM Repository Path = +DATA1/_MGMTDB/DATAFILE/sysmgmtdata.260.807876429
CHM Repository Size = 38940
Logger = knewracn1
Nodes = knewracn1,knewracn2,knewracn4,knewracn7,knewracn5,knewracn8,knewracn6
The CHM admin directory $GRID_HOME/crf/admin has crf(hostname).ora , which records the information about
the CHM repository:
cat /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/crf/admincrfknewracn1.ora
knewracn1 5= 0
knewracn1 1= 0
knewracn1 0= 61020
knewracn1 2= 61021
knewracn2 5= 0
knewracn2 1= 0
knewracn2 0= 61020
knewracn5 5= 0
knewracn5 1= 0
knewracn4 5= 0
knewracn4 1= 0
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