Database Reference
In-Depth Information
The cluvfy utility supports the following arguments:
-collect cluster|database
-save -savedir --to save the output under a particular location
-html -- output will be written in an HTML file
Real-Time RAC Database Monitoring - oratop
The oratop utility, which is currently restricted to the Linux operating system, resembles an OS-specific top-like
utility, providing near-real-time resource monitoring capability for a RAC and single-instance database from
onward. It is a very lightweight monitoring utility that utilizes very minimal resources, 0.20% memory and <1% CPU,
on the server. With this utility, you can monitor a RAC database, a stand-alone database, and local as well as
remote databases.
Invoke the oratop Utility
Download the file from My Oracle Support (MOS) at
MosIndex.jspx?_afrLoop=463945118311568&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=19ctrm4ozz_4 . Unzip the file
and set the appropriate permission to the oratop file, which is chmod 755 oratop on the Linux platform. Ensure the
following database init parameters: timed_statistics set to TRUE and the statistics_level set to TYPICAL . Also,
the following environmental settings need to be set on the local node before invoking the utility:
$ ORACLE_SID=<instance_name1>
$ ORACLE_HOME=<db_home>
$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
The following example runs the utility and sets the interval to every ten seconds to refresh the window (default is
every three seconds):
$ratop -i 10
$oratop -t <tns_name_for_remote_db> -- to monitor remote database.
Input the database user name and password credentials when prompted. When no credentials are entered, it will
use the default user SYSTEM with MANAGER as the default password to connect to the database. If you are using a
non-system database user, ensure that the user has read permission on some of the dictionary dynamic views, such as
Figure 2-5 shows the output window of the oratop utility.
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