Database Reference
In-Depth Information
In this example, /dev/dm-8 is the disk for the ASM disk group VOCR which stores the VD file, as shown with
running the following command:
$ crsctl query css votedisk
## STATE File Universal Id File Name Disk group
-- ----- ----------------- --------- ---------
1. ONLINE 7141f13f99734febbf94c73148c35a85 (/dev/dm-8) [VOCR]
Located 1 VD(s).
Clusterware Management
The Grid Infrastructure Universal Installer takes care of the installation and configuration of the Oracle Clusterware
and the ASM instance. After this installation, the Clusterware and ASM get restarted automatically every time
when the server starts. Most times, this entire stack works well without need for a lot of manual intervention.
However, as the most important infrastructure for Oracle RAC, this stack does need some proper management and
ongoing maintenance work. Oracle Clusterware provides several tools, utilities, and log files for a Clusterware admin
to perform management, troubleshooting, and diagnostic work. This section will discuss tools and Clusterware
management, and the next few sections will discuss Clusterware troubleshooting and diagnosis.
Clusterware Management Tools and Utilities
Oracle provides a set of tools and utilities that can be used for Oracle Grid Infrastructure management. The most
commonly used tool is the Clusterware control utility crsctl , which is a command-line tool for managing Oracle
Clusterware. Oracle Clusterware 11gR2 has added to crsctl the cluster-aware commands that allow you to perform
CRS check, start, and stop operations of the clusterware from any node. Use crsctl -help to print all the command
Help with crsctl .
$ crsctl -help
Usage: crsctl add - add a resource, type, or other entity
crsctl backup - back up voting disk for CSS
crsctl check - check a service, resource, or other entity
crsctlconfig - output autostart configuration
crsctl debug - obtain or modify debug state
crsctl delete - delete a resource, type, or other entity
crsctl disable - disable autostart
crsctl discover - discover DHCP server
crsctl enable - enable autostart
crsctleval - evaluate operations on resource or other entity without performing them
crsctl get - get an entity value
crsctlgetperm - get entity permissions
crsctllsmodules - list debug modules
crsctl modify - modify a resource, type, or other entity
crsctl query - query service state
crsctl pin - pin the nodes in the nodelist
crsctl relocate - relocate a resource, server, or other entity
crsctl replace - replace the location of voting files
crsctl release - release a DHCP lease
crsctl request - request a DHCP lease or an action entrypoint
crsctlsetperm - set entity permissions
crsctl set - set an entity value
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