Database Reference
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Oracle Clusterware 12c Technology Stack
Cluster Ready Service
Technology Stack
High Availability Service
Technology Stack
Figure 2-2. Oracle Clusterware 12cR1 stack
High Availability Cluster Service Stack
The High Availability Cluster Service stack is the lower stack of the Oracle Clusterware. It is based on the Oracle High
Availability Service ( OHAS ) daemon. The OAHS is responsible for starting all other clusterware processes. In the next
section, we will discuss the details of the clusterware sequences.
OHAS uses and maintains the information in OLR. The High Availability Cluster Service stack consists of the
following daemons and services:
GPnP daemon ( GPnPD ): This daemon accesses and maintains the GPnP profile and ensures that all the nodes
have the current profile. When OCR is stored in an ASM diskgroup, during the initial startup of the clusterware, OCR is
not available as the ASM is not available; the GPnP profile contains enough information to start the Clusterware.
Oracle Grid Naming Service ( GNS ): This process provides the name resolutions with the cluster. With 12cR1, GNS
can be used for multiple clusters in contrast to the single-cluster version.
Grid Interprocess Communication ( GIPC ): This daemon supports Grid Infrastructure communication by
enabling Redundant Interconnect Usage.
Multicast Domain Name Service ( mDNS ): This daemon works with GNS to perform name resolution.
This stack also includes the System Monitor Service daemon ( osysmond ) and Cluster Logger Service daemon
( ologgerd ).
The CRS Stack
The CRS stack is an upper-level stack of the Oracle Clusterware which requires the support of the services of the lower
High Availability Cluster Service stack. The CRS stack includes the following daemons and services:
CRS: This service is primarily responsible for managing high availability operations. The CRS daemon (CRSD)
manages the cluster resource's start, stop monitor, and failover operations. CRS maintains the configuration
information in OCR. If the cluster has an Oracle RAC database, the resources managed by CRS include the Oracle
database and its instances, listener, ASM instance, VIPs, and so on. This service runs as the crs.bin process on
Linux/Unix and OracleOHService on Windows.
CSS: This service manages and monitors the node membership in the cluster and updates the node status information
in VD. This service runs as the ocssd.bin process on Linux/Unix and OracleOHService (ocssd.exe) on Windows.
CSS Agent: This process monitors, starts, and stops the CSS. This service runs as the cssdagent process on
Linux/Unix and cssdagent.exe on Windows.
CSS Monitor: This process works with the cssdagent process to provide the I/O fencing to ensure data integrity
by rebooting the RAC node in case there is an issue with the ocssd.bin process, a CPU starvation, or an OS locked up.
This service runs as cssdmonitor on Linux/Unix or cssdmonitor.exe on Windows. Both cssdagent and cssdmonitor
are the new features started in 11gR2 that replace the previous Oracle Process Monitor daemon ( oprocd ) in 11gR1.
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