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Netstat: Solaris
The following command queries the network statistics for UDP and requests five samples of 1 second each. In the
following output, the first line prints the cumulative statistics from the restart of a server; about ~100 billion UDP
datagrams (or segments) received and ~98 billion UDP datagrams are sent by the local node. However, the rate is
much more important, and approximately 40K UDP segments are sent and received per second. Note that the size of
UDP segment is a variable; it is not possible to convert the number of segments to bytes in the UDP layer. Also note
that there are no errors reported for UDP layer processing.
$ netstat -s -P udp 1 5 |more
UDP udpInDatagrams =109231410016 udpInErrors = 0
udpOutDatagrams =98827301421 udpOutErrors = 0
UDP udpInDatagrams = 40820 udpInErrors = 0
udpOutDatagrams = 39340 udpOutErrors = 0
The following output shows the statistics in IP layer processing specifying -P ip flag. Version 11gR2 does not
support IPv6, but version 12c supports IPv6 for public network. If you have configured to use IPv4, then use the IPv4
section of netstat; if you are reviewing metrics for IPv6-based public network, then use the IPv6 section of network
statistics. The following statistics show that about 63K IP packets were received and 64K IP packets were sent for IPv4.
There is no activity in IPv6, as all networks in this database server use the IPv4 protocol.
$ netstat -s -P ip 1 5
IPv4 ipForwarding = 2 ipDefaultTTL = 255
ipInAddrErrors = 0 ipInCksumErrs = 0
ipInDelivers = 63639 ipOutRequests = 64670
$ netstat -s -P ip6 1 5
IPv6 ipv6Forwarding = 2 ipv6DefaultHopLimit = 255
ipv6InReceives = 0 ipv6InHdrErrors = 0
Continuing the output for IP protocol, the following output shows that about 4,068 packets needed to be
reassembled, and all packets were reassembled successfully (Receive metrics). If there are reassembly errors, you
would see that the ipReasmFails counter is incremented frequently. A few failures may be acceptable, as TCP/IP
processing also uses an IP layer underneath.
ipOutDiscards = 0 ipOutNoRoutes = 0
ipReasmTimeout = 0 ipReasmReqds = 4068
ipReasmOKs = 4068 ipReasmFails = 0
The following output shows IP packet fragmentation (Send metrics). About ~4,000 segments were fragmented,
creating ~20,000 IP packets. You can guess that DB block size is 8K and MTU is set to 1,500, as there is a 1:6 ratio
between IP fragment tasks and the number of IP fragments.
ipFragOKs = 3933 ipFragFails = 0
ipFragCreates = 19885 ipRoutingDiscards = 0
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