Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Starting with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.4, you can install ASMLib. The kernel driver package 'kmod-oracleasm'
for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.4 now is available in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Supplementary RHN channel.
You also need to download and install 'oracleasmlib' and 'oracleasm-support' packages, as they are required for the
ASMLib kernel package 'kmod-oracleasm. These two packages are maintained by Oracle and can be downloaded from
Oracle Technology Network at .
For other details about Oracle ASMLib for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, refer to Oracle support note
“Oracle ASMLib Software Update Policy for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Supported by Red Hat [ID 1089399.1].”
For ASMLib support in other versions of Linux, you can refer to the ASMLib Release Notes at .
Configure ASMLib and Create ASM Disks
After you install the three ASMLib packags (two ASMLib packages for UEK kernel), you need to configure ASM library
drivers with the oracleasm configure command, as shown in the following example:
# oracleasm configure -i
Configuring the Oracle ASM library driver.
This will configure the on-boot properties of the Oracle ASM library
driver. The following questions will determine whether the driver is
loaded on boot and what permissions it will have. The current values
will be shown in brackets ('[]'). Hitting <ENTER> without typing an
answer will keep that current value. Ctrl-C will abort.
Default user to own the driver interface []: grid
Default group to own the driver interface []: asmadmin
Start Oracle ASM library driver on boot (y/n) [n]: y
Scan for Oracle ASM disks on boot (y/n) [y]: y
Writing Oracle ASM library driver configuration: done
This configuration will ensure that all the ASM disks are owned by grid user and group asmadmin. Then, you can
create the ASM disks on one RAC node:
# service oracleasm createdisk OCR1 /dev/mapper/ocrvoting1
# service oracleasm createdisk OCR2 /dev/mapper/ocrvoting2
# service oracleasm createdisk OCR3 /dev/mapper/ocrvoting3
# service oracleasm createdisk DATA1 /dev/mapper/data1
# service oracleasm createdisk DATA2 /dev/mapper/data2
# service oracleasm createdisk FRA /dev/mapper/fra
Scan ASM disks on all other RAC nodes:
# service oracleasm scandisks
Scanning the system for Oracle ASMLib disks: [ OK ]
# service oracleasm listdisks
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