Chemistry Reference
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formation conditions, which has not as yet been achieved according to the information
gathered in this topic.
As may be expected from the rich morphology, PS has a wide range of interesting prop-
erties, of which luminescence is most well known. Since its first report by Canham in
1990, 72 the phenomenon of luminescence has been intensely investigated due to the
strong interest in the potential application of PS as an optoelectronic material. This
research effort has generated a huge amount of results; some 1500 papers were pub-
lished on PS in the 7 years following Canham's finding. 1107,1111 This body of informa-
tion is not dealt with in detail in this topic as the focus here is on the electrochemical
properties of single-crystalline silicon, not those of PS which is essentially a different
material. Table 8.8 lists examples of studies on the properties of PS so as to provide a
rough idea of the scope of this research area. Detailed review of this body of informa-
tion can be found in a number of articles. 870,1107,1073,1075,1161
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