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potential. The characteristics of the i-V curves are independent of solution agitation
and potential scanning rate indicating that mass transport in the electrolyte has very
little effect. For n -Si the current is proportional to the light intensity and is only limited
by the saturation photocurrent. The photon efficiency is about 4 indicating a current
quadrupling effect; for every photon-generated electron, three electrons are injected
from the states at the interface.
8.2.3. Effective Dissolution Valence and Hydrogen Evolution
As discussed in Chapter 5, the effective dissolution valence of silicon, n , can vary
between 2 and 4 depending on the type of silicon, potential, and illumination intensity.
In general, n increases with increasing anodic current density for all types of silicon
substrates as shown in Fig. 5.21. The value of n sharply changes at the peak current
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