Chemistry Reference
In-Depth Information
that the etching process in each of the three etching systems may be under either dif-
fusion control or surface reaction control depending on the specific solution composi-
tion and the operating conditions.
The etch rate of silicon relative to other materials is also important in device fab-
rications. The data on relative etch rate, which is specific to a specific set of conditions,
are widely spread in the literature. For example, the relative etch rate of silicon has
been reported for:
219,266 boron monophosphide epitaxial layer
in HF solutions, 664
and nitride in
TMAH, 15,505,1012
982 different oxides and metallic films, 706 various glasses
and silicides and metals in ethanolamine etchants, 506 silicon oxide and metals in EDP, 334
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