Chemistry Reference
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concentration. On the n-
electrode at more negative potentials than the plateau region,
current sharply increases due to hydrogen evolution. Under illumination, the quantum
efficiency of the p-
is about 2 due to the injection of holes from the
which is
different from that at high ratios.
An anodic plateau current is measured on
-Si in the dark thus indicating elec-
tron injection into the conduction band. This plateau current is only slightly affected
concentration. Illumination of the
by HF concentration but is proportional to
causes an increase of the anodic plateau current with a quantum efficiency of about 2.8
due to electron injection into the conduction band by the silicon dissolution inter-
mediates. The quantum efficiency for the anodic photocurrent depends on the
ratio, about 2.8 at a high
ratio (>20) and about 1 at very low ratios.
in HF
solution on silicon electrodes depends on the ratio of from 0.5 to 1000. At
high ratios (>20) the reduction proceeds on the bare silicon surface whereas
at low ratios (<10) the reduction is inhibited by the formation of a chromium complex
containing trivalent and hexavalent entities
According to Meerakker and Vegchel,
the reduction kinetics of
can decompose under the effect of HF, resulting in hole injec-
tion which is responsible for the high quantum efficiency of the cathodic photocurrent
on p-
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