Environmental Engineering Reference
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Herbicide, non-selective: A herbicide that kills all plant tissues that it
Herbicide, post-emergent: A herbicide that is applied to control weeds
after their germination and emergence from the soil.
Herbicide, pre-emergent: A herbicide that is applied to turf to control
germinating weed seeds.
Herbicide, selective: A herbicide that affects only a specific weed or
group of weeds and has minimal effects on desirable plants.
Hybrid: The offspring of parents from different species or varieties.
Hydrophobic: Tending to repel water.
Infiltration: The downward entry of water into the soil.
Insecticide: A pesticide used to control insects.
Irrigation system: A system for delivery of supplementary water to
plants, often a network of underground pipes and pop-up sprinklers
controlled by manual or automatic valves.
LD 50 : The dosage of a toxic substance that kills half of the test organ-
isms in an acute study.
Loam: A type of soil composed of moderate amounts of sand, silt and
Macronutrients: The nine nutrients required by plants in large quan-
tities: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur,
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Macropores: Large pores in soils that drain freely by gravity.
Micronutrients: The seven nutrients required by plants in small quan-
tities: manganese, iron, boron, zinc, copper, molybdenum and chlorine.
Micropores: Small soil pores that retain water by capillary action and
do not drain freely by gravity.
Monostand: An area of turf-grass made up of one species of plant.
Mower, flail: A mower with pivoting blades or flails that spin horizon-
tally at high speed around a vertical axis.
Mower, reel: A mower that shears the grass between a blade on a
spinning cylinder and a bed knife at the base of the cutting unit.
Mower, rotary: A mower that cuts by the impact of a horizontal spin-
ning blade.
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