Travel Reference
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tempts to enquire about a missing friend or relative is likely to be dealt with ruthlessly.
It is claimed that the former Syrian Defence Minister Mustafa Talas revealed to the Ger-
man "Der Spiegel" Magazine, that he would endorse the execution of almost 150 political
Islamic detainees per week for many years.
Oblivious to his part of the history, we travelled east through the desert toward Homs,
passing military encampments with radar arrays, tanks, armoured vehicles and trucks in
hardened bunkers.
Eucalypt trees began to appear along the roadside and the colour of the soil turned from
desert to rich dark brown. Extensive crops beginning to appear, with orchards of pistachio
and olive trees. It was evident that we were re-entering a section of the Fertile Crescent.
A cluster of so-called beehive houses dotted the fields, some said to date from the time of
Abraham and designed to provide the occupants with warmth in the winter and coolness in
the summer.
The ubiquitous speed bumps increased in frequency. They were very effective in slowing
us down.
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