Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
This was a main intersection with a lot of heavy traffic passing by and it was not possible
to park in front of the Embassy. There were a lot of visible security guards, but it was those
guys standing nonchalantly on the other side of the street that were the more dangerous.
They looked innocuous without any visible weapons, but they were there for a reason.
We went up a narrow side street toward the Iraqi embassy where a large number of people
were standing around. Some of them were scanning long lists on the wall, while others
looked like they were queuing patiently for visas. There was an air of quiet resignation
about the whole scene.
At the back of the US embassy there was a short queue with people clutching papers while
being fully scanned and frisked as they entered. As had been the case at the front of the
Embassy, there were guards with ammo jackets and weapons and always the less visible
people on the other side of the street.
The Saudi embassy was similarly protected but a glimpse through the gate showed an inner
area of tranquil lawns and fountains - a little different to the US and Iraqi embassies, which
were a confusion of all those elements required to survive in a hostile environment.
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