Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Integrated View at the MTCS Course
Organization: The Case of Recursion
This chapter presents an optional organization theme for the Methods of Teach-
ing Computer Science (MTCS) course around the concept of recursion. Based on
the active learning-based teaching model, a series of themes is suggested, each
one highlights a different pedagogical perspective. The themes are: classification
of recursive phenomena (a nonprogramming task), the “leap of faith” approach,
models of the recursive process, research on learning/teaching recursion, how
does recursion sound? (the case of trees and fractals), evaluation (a nonprogram-
ming project and a test construction), and a list of additional activities that illus-
trates that recursion can, indeed, be the focus of almost any topic discussed in the
MTCS course. Each theme is accompanied with activities devoted to recursion
to be facilitated in the MTCS course.
In the introduction to this guide, we mentioned that the Methods of Teaching Com-
puter Science (MTCS) course should not necessarily follow the order of the chap-
ters as they are presented in this guide. In this spirit, this chapter offers an alternative
approach according to which the organization of the MTCS course is based around
one (or more) central computer science concept(s). By doing so, this chapter illus-
trates an optional organization theme for the topics presented in Chaps. 2-11 of this
guide. Section 14.2 suggests two additional possible syllabi for an MTCS course.
Specifically, this chapter reviews the guide's chapters through the lens of recur-
sion 1 —one of the central computer science concepts. Though the ideas presented in
1 Recursion is only one candidate for such course organization. Other central computer science
themes, such as abstract data types or CSE research, may also be used for the same purpose.
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