Information Technology Reference
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The students are asked to explore these IDEs in two stages, as is described in
what follows.
• Stage A: Solving a problem in one of the visualization-/animation-based
IDEs, work in pairs
The students are asked to solve a problem in each (or in selected ones)
visualization or animation-based IDE that illustrates the IDEs' pedagogi-
cal approach. It is recommended that the instructor of the MTCS course
gives the students specific task(s) to work on. The above websites suggest
a variety of tasks that can fit for this purpose.
• Stage B: Analysis of the visualization-/animation-based IDEs, class
- What are the differences between the IDEs?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of each IDE?
- What are the differences between these IDEs and algorithm animation?
Activity 68: Learning About Sorting Methods by YouTube Dances
• Stage A: Exploratory Work with the Computer (individually or in pairs)
The students get the worksheet presented in Table 8.4 , in which they are
asked to watch several sorting methods as they are being demonstrated by
folk dances. To support computer science educators, the title of each video
is presented as well; they should be omitted when the worksheet is given
to the learners.
• Stage B: Class discussion
The class discussion that follows this exploration should address topics
such as the following: what is the sorting algorithm demonstrated by each
dance?, what are the differences between the algorithms?, which algorithm
is easier (or more difficult) to explain to novice computer science learners
and why?
Table 8.4 Dancing with numbers on YouTube worksheet
Dancing with numbers
Watch the following YouTube links. Each video demonstrates “something” that is
being done with numbers. Watched the videos and address the following questions:
1. Which problem is solved by each dance?
2. For each video, explain the method used in order to solve the problem.
The links:
The dances performed in the following links demonstrate select sort (#1), bubble sort
(#2), insert sort (#3), and merge sort (#4)
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