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Table 8.1 “Dry” lab worksheet
Worksheet: The DL language
The following is a list of instructions in the DL programming language together with
their output
The instruction
The output
DL.write [2014]
DL.write [# laboratory #]
DL.write [# the rules of #! # DL are #! # easy
The rules of DL are easy
DL.write [5*10! # shalom #]
50 shalom
DL.write [% x = 13 %! # x = #! x]
x = 13
DL.write [% x = 13 %! # x = 54 #]
x = 54
DL.write [% x = 9 %! x! % x = x + 1 %! x*2]
9 20
DL.write [# x = #! x]
x = what?
DL.write [y]
DL.write [# x = 9 #! x! # print end #]
x = 9 what?
Complete the following:
a. The output of an instruction of the pattern DL.write [number] is _______________
b. The output of an instruction of the pattern DL.write [# string #] is ______________
c. The output of an instruction of the pattern DL.write [arithmetic expression] is
d. The role of % is ___________
e. The role of ! is ___________
f. The message what ? is written when ________________________
g. To get the output “DL.write is what?”, the following instruction(s) should be
executed: ______________
h. To get the output: “what? = what?”, the following instruction(s) should be
executed: ______________
After the worksheet is worked on by the students, it is important to facili-
tate a reflective session in which, in addition to the students' exploration strat-
egies, the question whether this activity is a lab activity is examined. Another
question that can be asked is what characterizes a good lab-based lesson.
In what follows we present a collection of statements, offered by a group
of in-service high school computer science teachers after they had worked on
the above worksheet, which reflects their associations with what a lab-based
teaching is in the context of computer science. As can be observed from these
statements, this activity can be considered as a fruitful trigger for the discus-
sion about lab-based teaching.
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