Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 24.4 ACDC-Grid Monitoring and Information Services-Core Infrastructure architec-
ture description.
and hierarchical in design, making it extremely scalable with tuneable information
time scales.
Our monitoring system is being enhanced to
1. Provide a programmatic interface to the ACDC Job Monitoring database for
running, queued, or historical jobs, complete with the current site status metrics;
2. Provide integration with MonaLisa [95] and the Grid3 site status catalog for
defining difference metrics on job monitoring, resource utilization, and policy
3. Provide integration with the Globus MDS provider development team for
providing XML formatted job information and site status metrics;
4. Provide integration of our predictive scheduling estimates based on resource
policy specifications;
5. Provide resource specific CPU availability for Grid3 resources, ACDC-Grid
resources, and VOs;
6. Provide currently available free nodes and predictive scheduling capabilities
of job execution start times based on running, queued, and submitted job
characteristics, including site policy constraints;
7. Provide data grid historical and near real-time estimates of bandwidth and
utilization of grid-enabled repositories; and
8. Harden the secure, lightweight, scalable distributed hierarchical imbed-
ded MySQL database ACDC-Grid monitoring daemon infrastructure for
heterogeneous computational grid hardware resources and heterogeneous grid
infrastructure middleware.
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