Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Contaminated water
Ag/MgO nanoparticle
Bacterial removal medium
Zero-valent iron/Carbon ibre
Organic removal medium
Metal ions removal medium
TiO 2 /CNT/Bimetallic
Clean water
16.11 Schematic of composite nanomaterial packed-bed reactor for
water purifi cation (adapted with permission from Savage and Diallo,
￿ clean technology with operational ease
￿ replaces conventional processes like fi ltration, distillation, ion exchange
and chemical treatment systems
￿ produces high-quality products
￿ greater fl exibility in designing systems.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Pressure driven membrane processes such as reverse osmosis (RO),
nanofi ltration (NF) and ultrafi ltration (UF) are becoming the 'standard'
water purifi cation technologies for public utilities and industry because
they are fl exible, scalable, modular and relatively easy to operate and
The impregnation of nanomaterials onto polymeric membrane host
matrix would help fabrication of a nanocomposite membrane having syn-
ergistic effects on water purifi cation performances in the manner that mem-
brane by the principle of size exclusion would take care of the unwanted
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