Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
C-S-H Globules
2.8 Schematic representation of the potential microstructures of
C-S-H/polymer composites, analogous to clay/polymer composites:
(a) conventional nanocomposites, (b) intercalated nanocomposites,
(c) exfoliated nanocomposites.
C-S-H spaces (Fig. 2.8). The real breakthrough, however, is expected when
(and if) an exfoliation of the C-S-H layer is achieved within the organic
matrix. The actual chemistries and processing conditions involved are the
topic of extreme importance for cement chemists. Recently, a few promising
articles have presented experimental data on organic-inorganic hybrid
composites that have been synthesized through the sol-gel method. Inter-
calations has been reported for specifi c polymers and C-S-H stoichiometric
conditions suggesting that the initial chemistry of the inorganic material can
act as a template for material tuning. The degree of modifi cation of proper-
ties and actual structures involved remains to be quantifi ed.
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
Over the last decade, the scientifi c community has witnessed rapid progress
on available experimental, theoretical, and technological developments that
allow revisiting this ubiquitous material and examining its environmental
footprint. We have presented in this chapter some recent developments in
the fi eld of concrete science and engineering which provide a refi ned under-
standing, especially of the nanostructure that is responsible for what we
experience in the macroscopic world of engineering applications, and allow
us to devise methodologies for a stronger, more durable, and environmen-
tally friendly material. While a lot has been achieved so far, even more has
to be contributed until a sustainable and ecological, friendly construction
material is developed. The necessary tools are being developed which
makes us optimistic for the future. It is hoped that the construction industry
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