Civil Engineering Reference
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Lowering cost of
Reducing losses in
solar cells from
photon reflection
Increasing photon-to-electron
conversion efficiencies
Reasons for
Enabling cheaper
Enabling easier
12.6 Reasons for considering nanotechnology.
that nanotechnology offers fl exibility and also can overcome the limitations
with band gap issues (Serrano et al. , 2009).
The main reasons for opting to try nanotechnology as a third generation
solution (Fthenakis et al. , 2009) are shown in Fig. 12.6. Although it is cur-
rently known that it requires more energy for the material and manufactu-
ring, it is hoped that solutions to these drawbacks can be found.
Nanotech PVs offer a solar option that not only could be more effi cient
(Hamakawa, 2004) but also 'greener' as the product offers the possibility
of recycling at the end of its lifetime (Shockley and Queisser, 1961),
something not often initially considered when assessing renewable energy
technologies. Other advantages of nano-PVs are as follows:
￿ roll-to-roll manufacturing
￿ low cost substrate
￿ more than one band gap for absorption
￿ minimal material cost
￿ high mobility
￿ long lifetime
￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿
more than one absorption mechanism.
One of the main issues that has been seen in this area relates to problems
with PV cell design, but as the sector develops, it is hoped that this can be
Although nanotechnology is still primarily in the research and develop-
ment phase there are some companies at the manufacturing stage. One of
the benefi ts of nano-tech PV design is that the dimensions of the nanocry-
stals identify which part of the solar spectrum is absorbed with their specifi c
band gap, hence solving some previous issues. Table 12.9 presents a nano-
solar technology company example, briefl y outlining some of the positive
points of the product. It is expected that over the coming years many more
companies producing this technology will emerge.
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