Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
4 = Research program has made a moderate contribution on the basis of end
outcomes or well-accepted intermediate outcomes; research program
generated important new knowledge and is engaged in transfer activi-
ties, but well-accepted intermediate outcomes or end outcomes have not
been documented.
3 = Research program activities or outputs are going on and are likely to
produce improvements in worker health and safety (with explanation
of why not rated higher).
2 = Research program activities or outputs are going on and may result in new
knowledge or technology, but only limited application is expected.
1 = Research activities and outputs are NOT likely to have any application.
NA = Impact cannot be assessed; program not mature enough.
Rating of Relevance
= Research is in highest-priority subject areas and highly relevant to im-
provements in workplace protection; research results in, and NIOSH is
engaged in, transfer activities at a significant level (highest rating).
= Research is in high-priority subject area and adequately connected to
improvements in workplace protection; research results in, and NIOSH
is engaged in, transfer activities.
= Research focuses on lesser priorities and is loosely or only indirectly
connected to workplace protection; NIOSH is not significantly involved
in transfer activities.
= Research program is not well integrated or well focused on priorities
and is not clearly connected to workplace protection and inadequately
connected to transfer activities.
= Research in the research program is an ad hoc collection of projects, is
not integrated into a program, and is not likely to improve workplace
safety or health.
III.C. Identifying Significant Emerging Research (Addressing Charge 3)
Among the most challenging aspects of conducting research for the purpose of
prevention of injury and illness is identifying new or emerging needs or trends and
formulating an active research response that appropriately uses scarce resources in
anticipation of those needs. Each EC should review the procedures that NIOSH has
in place to identify needed research relevant to the NIOSH mission.
Each EC should review the success that NIOSH has had in identifying and
addressing research to emerging issues. The review should include examination
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