Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Review of Intervention Research
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Agri-
culture, Forestry, and Fishing Program (AFF Program) has devoted significant
resources toward developing and evaluating interventions focusing on the agri-
culture, fishing, and forestry industries. Review of the program indicates that in-
tervention research-related projects span several of the AFF Program defined goals
including those focusing on Priority Populations at Risk (Goal 2), Health Effects
of Agricultural Agent Exposures (Goal 3), and Hazard-Control Systems (Goal 4).
Given the fundamental importance of intervention research and the noted overlap
of activities, the committee decided that it would be appropriate to consider inter-
vention research as a whole, and to collectively evaluate these activities.
Goal 2: Priority Populations at Risk— Reduce injuries and fatalities among
subgroups of the working population determined to be at high risk or underserved
by traditional occupational health approaches.
Goal 3: Health Effects of Agricultural Agent Exposures— Determine the
chronic effects of agricultural exposures/health outcomes from toxic exposures
and develop appropriate interventions to reduce the incidence of disease.
Goal 4: Hazard-Control Systems— Reduce injuries and illnesses resulting
from work-related exposures by developing, demonstrating, and making available
control systems that eliminate, guard against, or warn of the hazard.
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