Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Review of Health Effects Research
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Agricul-
ture, Forestry, and Fishing Program (AFF Program) has been an important and
effective program that has addressed health effects in a practical and responsible
manner. The major portion of the budget has been allocated for agriculture, and
the results of NIOSH investment are most visible in that sector although some
notable achievements in commercial fishing are evident; the attention to forestry
has been more limited. Because of the historic funding placed in agriculture, the
committee focused to a considerable extent on the agriculture sector and on the
health effects research conducted intramurally by NIOSH scientists and extramu-
rally through research development and support in university-based Centers for
Agricultural Disease and Injury Research, Education, and Prevention (Ag Centers)
and among researchers in the broader community; the committee also evaluated
health effects research in forestry and fishing to the extent that the available infor-
mation permitted.
Goal 3: Health Effects of Agricultural Agent Exposures— Reduce injuries
and illnesses by understanding the long-term, chronic effects of exposure from
agriculture-related chemical or physical agents to farmers, their families, and ap-
plicators so as to implement controls that prevent harmful exposures.
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