Game Development Reference
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Now, let's define an interface that gives us polling access to the touchscreen, the keyboard, and
the accelerometer and that also gives us event-based access to the touchscreen and keyboard
(see Listing 3-1).
Listing 3-1. The Input Interface and the KeyEvent and TouchEvent Classes
package com.badlogic.androidgames.framework;
import java.util.List;
public interface Input {
public static class KeyEvent {
public static final int KEY_DOWN = 0;
public static final int KEY_UP = 1;
public int type;
public int keyCode;
public char keyChar;
public static class TouchEvent {
public static final int TOUCH_DOWN = 0;
public static final int TOUCH_UP = 1;
public static final int TOUCH_DRAGGED = 2;
public int type;
public int x, y;
public int pointer;
public boolean isKeyPressed( int keyCode);
public boolean isTouchDown( int pointer);
public int getTouchX( int pointer);
public int getTouchY( int pointer);
public float getAccelX();
public float getAccelY();
public float getAccelZ();
public List<KeyEvent> getKeyEvents();
public List<TouchEvent> getTouchEvents();
Our definition is started off by two classes, KeyEvent and TouchEvent . The KeyEvent class defines
constants that encode a KeyEvent 's type; the TouchEvent class does the same. A KeyEvent
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