Game Development Reference
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Listing 11-10. Excerpt from; the EulerCameraScreen
class EulerCameraScreen extends GLScreen {
Texture crateTexture;
Vertices3 cube;
PointLight light;
EulerCamera camera;
Texture buttonTexture;
SpriteBatcher batcher;
Camera2D guiCamera;
TextureRegion buttonRegion;
Vector2 touchPos;
float lastX = -1;
float lastY = -1;
We start off with some members. The first two store the texture for the crate and the vertices of
the texture cube. We'll generate the vertices with the createCube() method from the previous
example. The next member is a PointLight instance, which we are already familiar with,
followed by an instance of our new EulerCamera class.
Next up are a couple of members we need to render the button. We use a separate 64×64
image called button.png for that button. To render it, we also need a SpriteBatcher instance
as well as a Camera2D instance and a TextureRegion instance. This means that we are going to
combine 3D and 2D rendering in this example! The last three members are used to keep track of
the current touchPos in the UI coordinate system (which is fixed to 480×320), as well as store the
last known touch positions. We'll use the value -1 for lastX and lastY to indicate that no valid
last touch position is known yet.
public EulerCameraScreen(Game game) {
super (game);
crateTexture = new Texture(glGame, "crate.png", true );
cube = createCube();
light = new PointLight();
light.setPosition(3, 3, -3);
camera = new EulerCamera(67, glGraphics.getWidth() / ( float )glGraphics.getHeight(), 1, 100);
camera.getPosition().set(0, 1, 3);
buttonTexture = new Texture(glGame, "button.png");
batcher = new SpriteBatcher(glGraphics, 1);
guiCamera = new Camera2D(glGraphics, 480, 320);
buttonRegion = new TextureRegion(buttonTexture, 0, 0, 64, 64);
touchPos = new Vector2();
In the constructor, we load the crate texture and create the cube vertices as we did in the
previous example. We also create a PointLight and set its position to (3,3,-3). The EulerCamera
instance is created with the standard parameters, a 67-degree field of view, the aspect ratio
of the current screen resolution, a near clipping plane distance of 1, and a far clipping plane
distance of 100. Finally, we set the camera position to (0,1,3), as shown in Figure 11-10 .
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