Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The presentLevelEnd() method renders the string THE PRINCESS IS . . . at the top of the screen
and the string IN ANOTHER CASTLE! at the bottom of the screen, as shown in Figure 9-2 . We
perform some calculations to center those strings horizontally.
private void presentGameOver() {
batcher.drawSprite(160, 240, 160, 96, Assets. gameOver );
float scoreWidth = Assets. font .glyphWidth * scoreString.length();
Assets. font .drawText(batcher, scoreString, 160 - scoreWidth / 2, 480-20);
The presentGameOver() method displays the game-over UI element as well the score string.
Remember that the score screen is set in the updateRunning() method to either score: #score
or new highscore: #value .
Finishing Touches
That's basically our GameScreen class. The rest of its code is given in Listing 9-23.
Listing 9-23. The Rest of; the pause(), resume(), and dispose() Methods
public void pause() {
if (state == GAME _ RUNNING )
state = GAME _ PAUSED ;
public void resume() {
public void dispose() {
We just make sure our game screen is paused when the user decides to pause the application.
The last thing we have to implement is the WorldRenderer class.
The WorldRenderer Class
This class should be no surprise. It simply uses the SpriteBatcher we pass to it in the
constructor and renders the world accordingly. Listing 9-24 shows the beginning of the code.
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