Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
scoreString = "score: " + lastScore;
Settings. addScore (lastScore);
Settings. save (game.getFileIO());
In the updateRunning() method, we first check whether the user touched the pause button
in the upper-right corner. If that's the case, then the game is put into the GAME_PAUSED state.
Otherwise, we update the World instance with the current delta time and the x-axis value of the
accelerometer, which are responsible for moving Bob horizontally. After the world is updated, we
check whether our score string needs updating. We also check whether Bob has reached the
castle; if he has, we enter the GAME_NEXT_LEVEL state, which shows the message in the top-left
screen in Figure 9-2 and waits for a touch event to generate the next level. In case the game is
over, we set the score string to either score: #score or new highscore: #score , depending on
whether the score achieved is a new high score. We then add the score to the Settings class
and tell it to save all the settings to the SD card. Additionally, we set the game screen to the
GAME_OVER state.
private void updatePaused() {
List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents();
int len = touchEvents.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
TouchEvent event = touchEvents.get(i);
if (event.type != TouchEvent. TOUCH _ UP )
continue ;
touchPoint.set(event.x, event.y);
if (OverlapTester. pointInRectangle (resumeBounds, touchPoint)) {
Assets. playSound (Assets. clickSound );
state = GAME _ RUNNING ;
return ;
if (OverlapTester. pointInRectangle (quitBounds, touchPoint)) {
Assets. playSound (Assets. clickSound );
game.setScreen( new MainMenuScreen(game));
return ;
In the updatePaused() method, we check whether the user has touched the RESUME element or
QUIT UI element and react accordingly.
private void updateLevelEnd() {
List<TouchEvent> touchEvents = game.getInput().getTouchEvents();
int len = touchEvents.size();
for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
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