Game Development Reference
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+ Platform. PLATFORM_WIDTH / 2;
Platform platform = new Platform(type, x, y);
if (rand.nextFloat() > 0.9f
&& type != Platform. PLATFORM_TYPE_MOVING ) {
Spring spring = new Spring(platform.position.x,
platform.position.y + Platform. PLATFORM_HEIGHT / 2
+ Spring. SPRING_HEIGHT / 2);
if (y > WORLD_HEIGHT / 3 && rand.nextFloat() > 0.8f) {
Squirrel squirrel = new Squirrel(platform.position.x
+ rand.nextFloat(), platform.position.y
+ Squirrel. SQUIRREL_HEIGHT + rand.nextFloat() * 2);
if (rand.nextFloat() > 0.6f) {
Coin coin = new Coin(platform.position.x + rand.nextFloat(),
platform.position.y + Coin. COIN_HEIGHT
+ rand.nextFloat() * 3);
y += (maxJumpHeight - 0.5f);
y -= rand.nextFloat() * (maxJumpHeight / 3);
castle = new Castle( WORLD_WIDTH / 2, y);
Let's outline the general idea of the algorithm in plain words:
Start at the bottom of the world at y = 0.
As long as we haven't reached the top of the world yet, do the following:
a. Create a platform, either moving or stationary, at the current y position with a
random x position.
b. Fetch a random number between 0 and 1 and, if it is greater than 0.9 and if the
platform is not moving, create a spring on top of the platform.
c. If we are above the first third of the level, fetch a random number and, if it is
above 0.8, create a squirrel offset randomly from the platform's position.
d. Fetch a random number and, if it is greater than 0.6, create a coin offset randomly
from the platform's position.
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