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are on the market so far, and it limits the maximum frames per second (FPS) we can achieve
to 60. We know our code is good enough when we run at that frame rate.
Note While 60 FPS would be nice to have, in reality it is pretty hard to achieve such performance
on many Android devices. High-resolution tablets have a lot of pixels to fill, even if we're just
clearing the screen. We'll be happy if our game renders the world at more than 30 FPS in general.
More frames don't hurt, though.
Let's write a little helper class that counts the FPS and outputs that value periodically. Listing 7-14
shows the code of a class called FPSCounter .
Listing 7-14.; Counting Frames and Logging Them to LogCat Each Second
import android.util.Log;
public class FPSCounter {
long startTime = System. nanoTime ();
int frames = 0;
public void logFrame() {
if (System. nanoTime () - startTime > = 1000000000) {
Log. d ("FPSCounter", "fps: " + frames);
frames = 0;
startTime = System. nanoTime ();
We can put an instance of this class in our BobScreen class and call the logFrame() method once
in the BobScreen.present() method. We just did this, and here is the output for a Hero (running
Android 1.5), a Droid (running Android 2.2), and a Nexus One (running Android 2.2.1):
12-10 03:27:05.230: DEBUG/FPSCounter(17883): fps: 22
12-10 03:27:06.250: DEBUG/FPSCounter(17883): fps: 22
12-10 03:27:06.820: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17883): GC freed 21818 objects / 524280 bytes in 132ms
12-10 03:27:07.270: DEBUG/FPSCounter(17883): fps: 20
12-10 03:27:08.290: DEBUG/FPSCounter(17883): fps: 23
12-10 03:29:44.825: DEBUG/FPSCounter(8725): fps: 39
12-10 03:29:45.864: DEBUG/FPSCounter(8725): fps: 38
12-10 03:29:46.879: DEBUG/FPSCounter(8725): fps: 38
12-10 03:29:47.879: DEBUG/FPSCounter(8725): fps: 39
12-10 03:29:48.887: DEBUG/FPSCounter(8725): fps: 40
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