Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
In the onCreate() method, we perform the usual setup routine. We make the Activity go
full-screen and instantiate the GLSurfaceView , setting it as the content View . We also instantiate
all the other classes that implement framework interfaces, such as the AndroidFileIO and
AndroidInput classes. Note that we reuse the classes we used in the AndroidGame class, except
for AndroidGraphics . Another important point is that we no longer let the AndroidInput class
scale the touch coordinates to a target resolution, as in AndroidGame . The scale values are both 1,
so we will get the real touch coordinates. It will become clear later on why we do that. The last
thing we do is create the WakeLock instance.
public void onResume() {
super .onResume();
In the onResume() method, we let the GLSurfaceView start the rendering thread with a call to its
onResume() method. We also acquire the WakeLock .
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
synchronized (stateChanged) {
if (state == GLGameState. Initialized )
screen = getStartScreen();
state = GLGameState. Running ;
startTime = System. nanoTime ();
The onSurfaceCreate() method will be called next, which is, of course, invoked on the rendering
thread. Here, you can see how the state enums are used. If the application is started for the
first time, state will be GLGameState.Initialized . In this case, we call the getStartScreen()
method to return the starting screen of the game. If the game is not in an initialized state but has
already been running, we know that we have just resumed from a paused state. In any case, we
set state to GLGameState.Running and call the current Screen 's resume() method. We also keep
track of the current time, so we can calculate the delta time later on.
The synchronization is necessary, since the members we manipulate within the synchronized
block could be manipulated in the onPause() method on the UI thread. That's something we
have to prevent, so we use an object as a lock. We could have also used the GLGame instance
itself, or a proper lock.
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height) {
The onSurfaceChanged() method is basically just a stub. There's nothing for us to do here.
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