Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
We also have a manifest file again. As each of the following examples will be an activity, we also
have to make sure each of them has an entry in the manifest. All the examples will use a fixed
orientation (either portrait or landscape, depending on the example), and will tell Android that
they can handle keyboard , keyboardHidden , and orientationChange events. It's pretty much the
exact same setup as the one we used in Chapter 4.
With that out of our way, let the fun begin!
GLSurfaceView: Making Things Easy Since 2008
The first thing we need is some type of View that will allow us to draw via OpenGL ES. Luckily,
there's such a View in the Android API—it's called GLSurfaceView , and it's a descendent of the
SurfaceView class, which we already used for drawing the world of Mr. Nom.
We also need a separate main loop thread again so that we don't bog down the UI thread.
Surprise: GLSurfaceView already sets up such a thread for us! All we need to do is implement
a listener interface called GLSurfaceView.Renderer and register it with the GLSurfaceView . The
interface has three methods:
interface Renderer {
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config);
public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height);
public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl);
The onSurfaceCreated() method is called each time the GLSurfaceView surface is created. This
happens the first time we fire up the Activity and each time we come back to the Activity
from a paused state. The method takes two parameters: a GL10 instance and an EGLConfig . The
GL10 instance allows us to issue commands to OpenGL ES. The EGLConfig just tells us about the
attributes of the surface, such as the color, depth, and so on. We usually ignore it. We will set up
our geometries and textures in the onSurfaceCreated() method.
The onSurfaceChanged() method is called each time the surface is resized. We get the new width
and height of the surface in pixels as parameters, along with a GL10 instance if we want to issue
OpenGL ES commands.
The onDrawFrame() method is where the fun happens. It is similar in spirit to our Screen.render()
method, which gets called as often as possible by the rendering thread that the GLSurfaceView
sets up for us. In this method, we perform all our rendering.
Besides registering a Renderer listener, we also have to call GLSurfaceView.
onPause() / onResume() in our Activity 's onPause() / onResume() methods. The reason for this is
simple. The GLSurfaceView will start up the rendering thread in its onResume() method and tear it
down in its onPause() method. This means that our listener will not be called while our Activity
is paused, since the rendering thread which calls our listener will also be paused.
Here comes the only bummer: each time our Activity is paused, the surface of the
GLSurfaceView will be destroyed. When the Activity is resumed—and GLSurfaceView.onResume()
is called—the GLSurfaceView instantiates a new OpenGL ES rendering surface, and informs us
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