Game Development Reference
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Listing 6-8.
package com.badlogic.androidgames.mrnom;
public class Stain {
public static final int TYPE_1 = 0;
public static final int TYPE_2 = 1;
public static final int TYPE_3 = 2;
public int x, y;
public int type;
public Stain( int x, int y, int type) {
this .x = x;
this .y = y;
this .type = type;
The Stain class defines three public static constants that encode the type of a stain. Each Stain
instance has three members, x and y coordinates in Mr. Nom's world, and a type, which is one
of the constants that were defined previously. To make our code simple, we don't include getters
and setters, as is common practice. We finish the class off with a nice constructor that allows us
to instantiate a Stain instance easily.
One thing to notice is the lack of any connection to graphics, sound, or other classes. The Stain
class stands on its own, proudly encoding the attributes of a stain in Mr. Nom's world.
The Snake and SnakePart Classes
Mr. Nom is like a moving chain, composed of interconnected parts that will move along when we
pick one part and drag it somewhere. Each part occupies a single cell in Mr. Nom's world, much
like a stain. In our model, we do not distinguish between the head and tail parts, so we can have
a single class that represents both types of parts of Mr. Nom. Listing 6-9 shows the SnakePart
class, which is used to define both parts of Mr. Nom.
Listing 6-9.
package com.badlogic.androidgames.mrnom;
public class SnakePart {
public int x, y;
public SnakePart( int x, int y) {
this .x = x;
this .y = y;
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