Game Development Reference
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This class simply defines two constants that encode the key event type along with three
members while holding the type, key code, and Unicode character of the event. With this, we
can implement our handler.
Listing 5-8 shows the implementation of the handler with the Android APIs discussed earlier and
our new Pool class. The listing is broken up by commentary.
Listing 5-8. Handling Keys Since 2010
package com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnKeyListener;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Input.KeyEvent;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Pool;
import com.badlogic.androidgames.framework.Pool.PoolObjectFactory;
public class KeyboardHandler implements OnKeyListener {
boolean [] pressedKeys= new boolean [128];
List<KeyEvent>keyEventsBuffer= new ArrayList<KeyEvent>();
List<KeyEvent>keyEvents= new ArrayList<KeyEvent>();
The KeyboardHandler class implements the OnKeyListener interface so that it can receive key
events from a View . The members are next.
The first member is an array holding 128 Booleans. We store the current state (pressed or not)
of each key in this array. It is indexed by the key's key code. Luckily for us, the android.view.
KeyEvent.KEYCODE_XXX constants (which encode the key codes) are all between 0 and 127, so
we can store them in a garbage collector-friendly form. Note that by an unlucky accident, our
KeyEvent class shares its name with the Android KeyEvent class, of which instances get passed
to our OnKeyEventListener.onKeyEvent() method. This slight confusion is only limited to this
handler code. As there's no better name for a key event than “ KeyEvent ,� we chose to live with
this short-lived confusion.
The next member is a Pool that holds the instances of our KeyEvent class. We don't want to
make the garbage collector angry, so we recycle all the KeyEvent objects we create.
The third member stores the KeyEvent instances hat have not yet been consumed by our game.
Each time we get a new key event on the UI thread, we add it to this list.
The last member stores the KeyEvent s that we return by calling the
KeyboardHandler.getKeyEvents() . In the following sections, we'll see why we have to
double-buffer the key events.
public KeyboardHandler(View view) {
PoolObjectFactory<KeyEvent>factory= new PoolObjectFactory<KeyEvent>() {
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