Game Development Reference
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protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawRGB(0, 0, 0);
dst.set(50, 50, 350, 350);
canvas.drawBitmap(bob565, null , dst, null );
canvas.drawBitmap(bob4444, 100, 100, null );
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super .onCreate(savedInstanceState);
requestWindowFeature(Window. FEATURE_NO_TITLE );
getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams. FLAG_FULLSCREEN ,
WindowManager.LayoutParams. FLAG_FULLSCREEN );
setContentView( new RenderView( this ));
The onCreate() method of our activity is old hat, so let's move on to our custom View . It has two
Bitmap members, one storing an image of Bob (introduced in Chapter 3) in RGB565 format, and
another storing an image of Bob in ARGB4444 format. We also have a Rect member, where we
store the destination rectangle for rendering.
In the constructor of the RenderView class, we first load Bob into the bob565 member of the
View . Note that the image is loaded from an RGB888 PNG file, and that the BitmapFactory will
automatically convert this to an RGB565 image. To prove this, we also output the Bitmap.Config
of the Bitmap to LogCat. The RGB888 version of Bob has an opaque white background, so no
blending needs to be performed.
Next we load Bob from an ARGB8888 PNG file stored in the assets/ directory. To save some
memory, we also tell the BitmapFactory to convert this image of Bob to an ARGB4444 bitmap.
The factory may not obey this request (for unknown reasons). To see whether it was nice to us,
we output the Bitmap.Config file of this Bitmap to LogCat as well.
The onDraw() method is puny. All we do is fill the screen with black, draw bob565 scaled to
250×250 pixels (from his original size of 160×183 pixels), and draw bob4444 on top of bob565 ,
unscaled but blended (which is done automagically by the Canvas ). Figure 4-14 shows the two
Bobs in all their glory.
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