Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
We keep a reference to the MediaPlayer in the form of a member of our activity. In the
onCreate() method, we simply create a TextView for outputting any error messages, as always.
Before we start playing around with the MediaPlayer , we make sure that the volume controls
actually control the music stream. Having that set up, we instantiate the MediaPlayer . We fetch
the AssetFileDescriptor from the AssetManager for a file called music.ogg located in the assets/
directory, and set it as the data source of the MediaPlayer . All that's left to do is to prepare
the MediaPlayer instance and set it to loop the stream. In case anything goes wrong, we set
the MediaPlayer member to null so we can later determine whether loading was successful.
Additionally, we output some error text to the TextView .
In the onResume() method, we simply start the MediaPlayer (if creating it was successful). The
onResume() method is the perfect place to do this because it is called after onCreate() and after
onPause() . In the first case, it will start the playback for the first time; in the second case, it will
simply resume the paused MediaPlayer .
The onResume() method pauses the MediaPlayer . If the activity is going to be killed, we stop the
MediaPlayer and then release all of its resources.
If you play around with this, make sure you also test out how it reacts to pausing and resuming
the activity, by either locking the screen or temporarily switching to the home screen. When
resumed, the MediaPlayer will pick up from where it left off when it was paused.
Here are a couple of things to remember:
MediaPlayer.start() , MediaPlayer.pause() , and MediaPlayer.
resume() can only be called in certain states, as just discussed. Never try to
call them when you haven't yet prepared the MediaPlayer . Call MediaPlayer.
start() only after preparing the MediaPlayer or when you want to resume it
after you've explicitly paused it via a call to MediaPlayer.pause() .
ï?® MediaPlayer instances are pretty heavyweight. Having many of them
instanced will take up a considerable amount of resources. We should
always try to have only one for music playback. Sound effects are better
handled with the SoundPool class.
Remember to set the volume controls to handle the music stream, or else
The methods
your players won't be able to adjust the volume of your game.
We are almost done with this chapter, but one big topic still lies ahead of us: 2D graphics.
Basic Graphics Programming
Android offers us two big APIs for drawing to the screen. One is mainly used for simple
2D graphics programming, and the other is used for hardware-accelerated 3D graphics
programming. This and the next chapter will focus on 2D graphics programming with the Canvas
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