Game Development Reference
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We won't be able to display the destruction event of our activity in the
TextView because it will vanish from the screen too fast, so we will also
output all state changes to LogCat. We do this with the Log class, which
provides a couple of static methods with which to append messages
to LogCat.
Remember what we need to do to add a test activity to our test application. First, we define it
in the manifest file in the form of an <activity> element, which is a child of the <application>
<activity android:label=" Life Cycle Test "
android:name=". LifeCycleTest "
android:configChanges=" keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation " />
Next we add a new Java class called LifeCycleTest to our com.badlogic.androidgames
package. Finally, we add the class name to the tests member of the AndroidBasicsStarter
class we defined earlier. (Of course, we already have that in there from when we wrote the class
for demonstration purposes.)
We'll have to repeat all of these steps for any test activity that we create in the following
sections. For brevity, we won't mention these steps again. Also note that we didn't specify an
orientation for the LifeCycleTest activity. In this example, we can be in either landscape mode
or portrait mode, depending on the device orientation. We did this so that you can see the effect
of an orientation change on the life cycle (none, due to how we set the configChanges attribute).
Listing 4-2 shows the code of the entire activity.
Listing 4-2., Demonstrating the Activity Life Cycle
package com.badlogic.androidgames;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class LifeCycleTest extends Activity {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TextView textView;
private void log(String text) {
Log. d ("LifeCycleTest", text);
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super .onCreate(savedInstanceState);
textView = new TextView( this );
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