Game Development Reference
In-Depth Information
The Game and Screen Interfaces
With all of that said, let's try to design a game interface. Here's what an implementation of this
interface has to do:
Set up the window and UI component and hook into callbacks so that we
can receive window and input events.
Start the main loop thread.
Keep track of the current screen, and tell it to update and present itself in
every main loop iteration (a.k.a. frame).
Transfer any window events (for example, pause and resume events) from
the UI thread to the main loop thread and pass them on to the current
screen so that it can change its state accordingly.
Input , FileIO ,
Grant access to all the modules we developed earlier:
Graphics , and Audio .
As game developers, we want to be agnostic about what thread our main loop is running on and
whether we need to synchronize with a UI thread or not. We'd just like to implement the different
game screens with a little help from the low-level modules and some notifications of window
events. We will therefore create a very simple Game interface that hides all this complexity from
us, as well as an abstract Screen class that we'll use to implement all of our screens. Listing 3-8
shows the Game interface.
Listing 3-8. The Game Interface
package com.badlogic.androidgames.framework;
public interface Game {
public Input getInput();
public FileIO getFileIO();
public Graphics getGraphics();
public Audio getAudio();
public void setScreen(Screen screen);
public Screen getCurrentScreen();
public Screen getStartScreen();
As expected, a couple of getter methods are available that return the instances of our low-level
modules, which the Game implementation will instantiate and track.
The Game.setScreen() method allows us to set the current screen of the game. These methods
will be implemented once, along with all the internal thread creation, window management, and
main loop logic that will constantly ask the current screen to present and update itself.
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