Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Symptoms: Anemia, lethargy hemorrhage, a decrease in appetite and depression can be
seen. It is apparent in young birds and chicks and can lead to death.
Causes: It can be caught from other birds in the flock and transferred through the egg or
semen with breeding birds.
Treatment: As chicks get older, they will develop immunity to the disease. Vaccination of
breeders before they start laying eggs is recommended. There is no vaccination of broiler
Symptoms: This affects the navel of the chicken. It can appear inflamed and will sometimes
have a scab. There will be a wet spot on the abdomen and the navel will not heal normally.
There will often be multiple infections present and 15% mortality in the chickens. The
chicks will be disinclined to eat and drink and will often be dehydrated. They will huddle
under the lamp and be depressed. The chicks will not absorb the yolk of the egg.
Causes: Unhygienic conditions in the incubator or incorrect temperature and humidity can
give rise to this problem.
Treatment: Keep everything clean and check the temperature and humidity of the incubator.
Remember to clean the incubator between hatches. There are no medications for this.
Symptoms: Egg-laying will be decreased and the chicken will sneeze and cough.
Causes: It is a contagious disease and can be passed on to other birds very easily. Wild
birds, rodents, insects and even people can carry this disease.
Treatment: There is no treatment for this disease and the infected birds must be destroyed
as they will be carriers of the disease, even if they recover.
Symptoms: This is usually found in chicks and should be checked for everyday for the first
week or so. It is when feces gets stuck around the vent and can cause blockage and death
in the chick.
Causes: Stress or over handling can produce this problem.
Treatment: Clean the area well, with a warm washcloth.
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